Samskaras’—A Places Vibe By madis senner
The Root of Karma
According to Hindu philosophy samskaras are the root of our karma1 . Each individual thought and action we have are recorded as impressions, or samskaras. These impressions build up over time. The more we focus on a particular thought or action the deeper that impression becomes and the more it begins to exert an influence upon us. Over time these impressions, or samskaras, can exert tremendous influence and begin driving our behavior. If these impressions are not cleared away before we die we will carry them forward into a future life. Swami Satyananda Saraswati of the Bihar School of Yoga states his analysis of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras and notes the power of samskaras to influence the life cycle and the necessity to burn them away: “It is said by Nagarjuna that a seed when not burned is capable of giving rise to many seeds and plants. In the same way when the chitta 2 is not freed from the samskaras, it is capable of producing many more samskaras, bodies and reincarnations.” Many enlightened persons say that samskaras are the greatest impediment to our spiritual progression. “[S]amskaras are the source of bondage and keep man forever chained to the cycle of birth and death.”3
It is important to understand the difference between consciousness and energy. Instead of looking at samskaras as either being positive or negative energy flows we see them as consciousness that runs a continuum from the divine to the demonic5. Consciousness can also be transformed. Like human nature, a place has both good and bad6 , the amount of each being a function of what has transpired there before. Fellow dowser Susan Weiner points out that the negative readings I register around dead and dying trees are a function of the natural process of death. Reading Samskaras To begin measuring the samskaras of a place ask spirit for help and guidance. With L-rods in hand I ask; “Please show me the samskaras”. When you first begin I suggest you go someplace like a place of worship that should have a strong positive reading 7 . If you meditate at the same place you might want to begin there because your callings to the divine create a positive (+, clockwise spin) samskara8. This should help you pick up on the vibe of the place. As you progress you will be able to measure samskaras every place you go. ![]() Your first measure will be a net reading. In other words you will be recording the net difference between the good acts/thoughts and the bad acts/thoughts that have transpired at a particular location. If the good acts/thoughts far out number the negative acts/thoughts you will get a strong positive (+, clockwise) movement of your L-rods. Conversely if the positive acts/thoughts are slightly less than the negative acts/thoughts that have occurred at a particular place you will get a weak negative (-, counter-clockwise) reading. This is the samskaras for a place. The speed with which your L-rods move would indicate how strong (fast) or weak (slow) a reading is. Your next measure would be to record the components (positive and negative) of your net samskaras reading. Ask spirit to show you the positive samskaras for a place. This will give you a reading of what good has transpired at a place. Next ask to be shown the negative samskaras. Measuring the components of place is critical because many places can be conflicted. For example, you might get a weak positive reading. But when you ask to be shown the positive and negative components you may find that there are both strongly positive and negative samskaras existing there. Such a reading would not be good because it would indicate that there are strong negative influences lurking there. [Note: It is possible to further break samskaras for particular types of thoughts and actions.]
Knowing where the center of vortex of negative consciousness is a big help in cleaning up the space. By focusing your intentions on the center you will have a better chance of cleaning it up. Samskaras’ come in All Sizes The size of a samskara can vary from being infinitesimal to miles in circumference. They tend to cluster together, probably because they are self-reinforcing. There are also samskaras within samskaras, small pockets that go against the grain of the larger samskara that envelopes them. Samskaras are localized consciousness 9 .
It is important to note that samskaras are dynamic consciousness that is constantly changing. In other words the size and force of a samskara will change over time. Anyone and everything that come into contact with an area influences it. I suggest you get to know a particular location and focus on its fringes. Periodically visit it and you will notice that it changes over time. This is particularly true for larger amalgams of samskaras. You can also begin recording how your positive intentions of God’s light and love are changing the area. I have seen significant shifts in size between the positive and negative samskaras for places that I am trying to heal. Hindu mystics The Mother and Sri Aurobindo share their wisdom on how our thought forms are constantly vying to influence us: “[E]veryone has in him…the power to give form to his mental activity…We are all the time, ALWAYS, creating images, creating forms. We send them into the atmosphere without even knowing that we are doing so—they go roaming about, pass from one person to another, meet companions, sometimes join together...create conflicts, and then there are battles….If our eyes were open to the vision of all these forms in the atmosphere, we would see very amazing things: battlefields, waves, onsets, retreats of a crowd of small entities which are constantly thrown out into the air and always try to realize themselves. All these formations have a common tendency to want to materialize and realize them physically.” Collected Works of the Mother , Book 9, pages:385-388, The Mother (The Mother was the spiritual partner of Hindu Mystic and activist Sri Aurobindo. The following web site is dedicated to them: Sri Aurobindo Society. Sobering, Enlightening, Chilling
The land will begin to speak to you. Serene Forests will show you their true beauty others will still register strong scars from de-forestation or the massacre of Native Americans10 , or you may find a hunter’s tree stand in what was otherwise a positive setting. Sadly, much of what you will find will be negative. God has blessed me by teaching me about land samskaras. Last spring while dowsing in the woods my L-rods begin to turn as if I were in some giant vortex. Over time I learned what I was being told. I share this with you to help you learn. To help you see that below this delusion of we call reality that there is a spiritual truth as taught by the prophets’ time immemorial.
God Bless, |