Healing the Healers at Pumpkin Hollow One of the many places of Prayer in Upstate NY.
Located 125 miles north of NYC and 150 miles west of Boston Pumpkin Hollow has long been a place of retreat and sanctuary for people and groups around the northeast. It has been a place where healers, such as nurses practicing therapeutic touch have come to heal and replenish themselves before going back into the world again. The first thing guests say when they step out of their cars is how good they feel being there. Spiritual Roots
During the height of the depression in 1936 clairvoyant and healer Dora Kunz along with other theosophists were driving around the Hudson Valley. Dora said stop the car when they got to Pumpkin Hollow. Dora took a walk down to waterfalls and said this is the place. Kunz was a noted healer in twentieth century who along with Dolores Krieger RN started the therapeutic touch system of healing that is widely used by nurses in hospitals around the world. Dora could see people’s auras and would often immediately see what was wrong with someone. The theosophical movement was begun by Madame Blavatsky in 1875. Theosophy advocates the universality of people and sees no distinction of race, creed, sex, caste or color. Theosophy was early in the vanguard of studying comparative religions. It also recommends the study of the mysteries of nature and man’s latent powers. Long before the world was focusing on thought forms and the law of attraction, theosophists like Blavatsky, Besant, Leadebeater and others were talking about such and much more. The grounds at Pumpkin Hollow were all pasture land before it was purchased by the Theosophical center. They have intentionally let the land go follow so that the woods could develop naturally. .Experiencing Pumpkin Hollow What makes Pumpkin Hollow unique is that it has been focused on the connection to nature and the divine. There are numerous ways of exploring and developing one’s spiritual side and connecting with Mother Earth: a meditation center, a labyrinth, a peace garden with a peace pole, a healer’s sanctuary, a sweat lodge, nature trails and more. It is has been that focus on the spiritual that has strengthened the naturally divine attributes of Pumpkin Hollow. Whenever we have a thought we create a thought form, or what Hindu’s call a samskara. Our thoughts go out into the world, attach to us and attach to the location where they were generated. I call the physical location where our thoughts attach geographic samskaras, or a places vibe. Samskaras can snare you in a downward cycle of violence or elevate you in an upward spiral to the divine. Because the focus has been on the spiritual and divine connection those thoughts permeate the grounds at Pumpkin Hollow and will help elevate you to expand your consciousness. The fact that healers (Therapeutic Touch nurses) have come to heal there gives the land a feel of rejuvenation and healing. ![]() While there I strongly suggest trying focusing on the consciousness that permeates the grounds. Focus less with the fives senses and more with the sixth sense. Try to spiritually feel the space. If you go please be quiet and respectful of others while on the grounds. Understand that this is a retreat center that groups pay to attend. Pumpkin Hollow is a not for profit that is able to sustain itself with these guests. You should always honor the groups and people that are there. Pumpkin Hollow is allowing you on their grounds so that you can take some of the love that is there as well as add to it. Remember that you are a guest. Please call in advance (518) 325-3583 to say that you are coming and announce yourself when you arrive. Bring along a cushion, such a sportsman cushion that you can sit on in the woods. I suggest a saying a prayer and giving thanks before entering the nature trail. You might also want to bring an offering—tobacco, a flower, a piece of fruit—and leaving it at the edge of the woods. An offering is a way of honoring Mother Earth and showing her respect; it will facilitate your connection. Fields of consciousness Mother Earth’s divine spark can be found with the various fields of consciousness on the grounds. Fields of consciousness emanate divine qualities such as love and compassion and can help you connect with your higher self or help you transcend the physical plane. Meditating in field can help raise you consciousness as you tap into Mother Earth’s divine pulse. In other words it will be like when your body gets tanned by sitting in the sun only here you will be tanning your soul. Unless you are sentient you will not immediately sense the consciousness. If you are, it will be in your greater forehead area, what Hindu’s call your chidakasha, or mind screen where your individual consciousness resides, that will be stimulated. The more fields that are placed upon each other the stronger the vibe, the stronger the push of Mother Earth’s soul upon you and the easier for you to discern it. There are several places that have two fields upon each other. This is good particularly so far from the center of Mother Earth’s soul—the Utica Syracuse Rochester corridor that has been called America’s psychic highway. There you will find as many as seven fields stacked upon each other. One stacked field (2) is east of the suitcase an open structure next to a large white pine tree on the nature walk. Look for the opening that the trees naturally make. Trees are often harbingers of what is going on with Mother Earth at a particular place. On the other side of stream just north of the bridge crossing over the waterfalls on the trail you will find a herd path going towards the stream. It leads to a little knoll across from the meditation center. The northern part of that knoll and a little beyond sits on a stacked field of consciousness (2). This would be another excellent place to meditate. The other stacked field of consciousness (2) is on the little knoll next to the road on your left hand side when you enter. Facilities Meditation center—the mediation center by the stream and the surrounding area sits on a nest of spirit lines, or what some call ley lines. I call it a nest because so many spirit lines are coming together that there are numerous intersections. Two or three intersecting here, another two over there. I counted over twelve spirit lines in the mediation center itself. Coming at different angles they will intersect each other at a variety places in and around the meditation center. Spirit lines carry consciousness and are excellent places to connect with the divine. Places of worship are often located on spirit lines or on the intersection of several spirit lines. Not only are spirit lines a good place to mediate on they are an excellent place to help Mother Earth. When you pray or meditate on a spirit line you are strengthening them and helping clean them up of any negativity that they may have picked up along their path. When we meditate at a place we can also draw energy to a location. When we begin our spiritual path we begin to raise the kundalini energy in our base chakra to merge with our consciousness in our heart chakra. Similarly Mother Earth over time will begin to send energy to where we pray thereby increasing our spiritual experience. ![]() The placement of the meditation center was brilliant because all the spirit lines traversing through there are picking up the contemplative consciousness emanating from people meditating there. This consciousness is then following the spirit lines on the grounds and beyond. Brilliant. ASk permission to use the meditation center when you arrive is yoiu are interested in using it, to make sure it is not booked or overflowing with a retreat group. Nature Trail—The Nature Trail which meanders around the grounds is a great place for a contemplative walk You will cross several fields of consciousness and experience various other divine aspects of Mother Earth. You will need to take the Nature trail to get to the suitcase and labyrinth. I suggest beginning north of main house by the river. Cross the footbridge and bear to your left after you cross the river. The trail is well marked. As you turn right and begin ascending you will be close to the neighboring property line marked with numerous “no trespassing” signs. Notice how distinctly different the vibe is near the property line. I believe that this has to do with the consciousness of control and exclusion on the neighboring property physically manifested by the posted signs. I have never before seen such a sharp contrast in the geographic samskaras between two properties next to each other. As you continue the trail will intersect and end at another trail marked with stones painted with silver triangles. To your left (north) is the labyrinth and a loop that goes around it. If you decide to go to the labyrinth you will be walking back on the same trail. To your right is the suitcase the trail back to the waterfall. If you go right towards the waterfall after the suitcase you will see a trail to your left that goes to the footbridge that you walked on. Keep going on the silver marked trail it will bring you to the waterfall. To see the trail map click on Trail Map Sacred sites—there are numerous sacred sites located around the waterfalls. All of us are drawn to waterfalls. Native Americans would pray at and create ceremonial circles near waterfalls. Unfortunately these places have often been subsequently desecrated with negative thoughts and actions creating what can at times be powerful negative geographic samskaras. Not so at Pumpkin—the area around the waterfalls where a grist mill once stood is very pleasant and sweet. Find a place that you like and mediate on the sound of water falling. I found one place on the little bluff west of the meditation center that still appears to still be intact. Notice the stones in the ground that create a circle/mound of sorts. It was definitely a sacred site; the only question whether the stones were placed there by Native Americans or from the workers constructing the grist mill. Plenty more—There is also a labyrinth, healing center, peace garden with a peace pole and other areas to explore and enjoy. Library—if you are staying over make sure to check out the library. It is full of classic theosophical books. If you go Pumpkin Hollow is located at 1184 Rte 11, Craryville, NY 12521. Take rte 11 or 11A south off of Rte 23 off of the Taconic parkway Directions Please remember to call in advance (518) 325-3583 to say that you are coming and announce yourself when you arrive. Please leave a donation in the donation box in back of the main building. Pumpkin Hollow is a not for profit and dependent donations to sustain itself. Don’t be swept up by the physical beauty. You will miss out. Peace, Madis Senner |