Making Heaven on Earth
"Educating and empowering people with the tools necessary to bring about Heaven on Earth. "
Heaven on Earth Meditation Tools |
A new and better world where the lion lies down with the lamb and no one is of want is ours for the making. It begins by understanding our dynamic relationship with each other and Mother Earth. Two areas most of us are not used to thinking about let alone understanding. Yet by learning how to work our collective consciousness and Mother Earth we can begin to spiritually soar. Our Collective Consciousness Our collective consciousness links us and in many ways dominates our behavior and thinking. We believe that we are free, that we are independent, yet below the surface in our unconscious mind we are being bombarded and influenced by our collective psyche. Carl Jung described the collective unconscious as that part of the unconscious mind that is universal to humankind and dates back to the earliest of times. He felt that it was at a deeper and more powerful level than the individual unconscious. Whether you call it our collective consciousness, collective unconscious, archetypes or collective thought forms it is our group psyche that shapes our reality and dominates our individual psyche and being. It is made up of our individual and collective thoughts. Our collective thoughts in particular, thoughts or cohorts that link us such as family, friends, organizations, corporations and the like have a powerful influence on us, they can also take on a life of their own. While Jung felt that our collective unconscious was set in stone in the earliest of time I feel that it is a dynamic force that is continually being shaped by humankind and shaping us. We give strength to whatever we think about (See The Power of Thoughts); and its our thinking and behavior that shapes our collective consciousness. Because our collective consciousness is dynamic, it can be shaped. This means that we can raise our collective consciousness and begin to transform the world and bring about Heaven on Earth. We can raise our collective consciousness(Read Raising OUr Collective Consciousness )by Working with collective thought forms They bring the force of unity and allow us to focus on a positive loving alternative to the selfish and violence of so many collective thought forms. We can give added strength to a collective thought form by contemplating it during deep trance states of meditation. To that affect I have put together the Heaven on Earth Meditation/Collective Thought Form, a vision of world peace where the lion lies down with the lamb, that draws upon some powerful ancient archetypes. To hear the meditation click on: Heaven on Earth Meditation Mother Earth We can further facilitate Heaven on Earth by learning how to work with Mother Earth. (ReadMother Earth is the Key our Spiritual Evolution.) All is Brahman. As the Green Emerald says “as above, as below,” meaning that Mother Earth’s cosmology is similar to ours—our subtle body corresponds to her planes of existence. Just as meditations, visualizations and other spiritual exercises focused on aspects of the human subtle body such as the chakras can greatly hasten spiritual development, so it is the same for Mother Earth. Learning to work with her divine aspects can further help our efforts to bring about Heaven on Earth. In the months ahead I will be putting out educational information—videos, articles—on how to become an Earth Healer. In the interim you can begin by doing your spiritual exercises on Lines of Consciousness, or the intersection of several Lines of Consciousness, what many call Ley Lines. Read about Spirit or Ley Lines at Lines of Consciousness. .Peace, Madis Senner |
To learn more about collective thought forms and Mother Earth read The Way Home—Making Heaven on Earth. To read updates, recent posts and provide input go to:Making Heaven on Earth Blog.